I’m an organization freak.
I ‘ve just finished putting a number of hours organizing my papers. I finally got a large plastic box and some hanging folders and I’ve upped my organization a notch.
For the longest time I kept stuff like taxes and contracts in this very small box that I got from my parents years ago. In fact it had my very first tax return… aww, isn’t it just darling?
So now I’ve got everything sorted and labled. I had most of the papers in one drawer and that blue box, but I know I’ve got more floating around here some place. But now, when I do run across them, I can say, “They Should Go (Here)!” in a loud booming voice. I really like being able to say that.
Beyond that, I’ve just about caught up to mid-April in my Nick Cave stuff. Once I’ve gotten in the groove of doing things, they seem to be coming much easier. I’ve posted three interviews two reviews, news to http://www.bad-seed.org in the archives and I’ve tracked down some info on old notes that I never got fleshed out in the first place.
Organization makes me happy. So does accomplishment. Speaking of Accomplishments, Amy got proof of a great one yesterday. She recieved a copy of the article she wrote for the international PCOS newsletter! I’m so proud of her!
The smile on her face when she saw the article in paper and ink was worth more than the world. Beautiful.