
Up in Flames

Posted in General at 11 pm

Today was difficult. I got a call from my brother. “Well, he finally did it.”

My throat constricted.

Wearily, I asked, “Thomas burned down the house?”


My brother isn’t one for verbious communication.

It turned out that Thomas (my four year old nephew) started a fire at home, in his bedroom. His mom (Michelle) was in the bathtub. Once she discovered the fire she started getting the kids out of the house and tried to put the fire out. Once she realized she couldn’t, she called the fire department.

The fire was out before it could spread to other rooms, however all the ceilings in the house and a good meter of the tops of the walls are layered in soot and such. The four of them (including Morgan, my niece) are staying the night in a hotel.

My brother was visibly shaken when I got there. I flew out of work to get to the house. I gave the kids good, strong hugs as I saw each. It was such a relief to hold them.

The problems with Thomas stretch far further back than this particular incident. I worry about him. I’m scared for Thomas and for Morgan.

I need to talk with Ryan and Michelle. They have a problems on their hands but it’s not Thomas. It’s their own emotional well-beings.


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