Test Test? THis is a test of the set up here at powertalk. let see if this second test works. (works from the command line already
Chasing My Own Tale
Test Test? THis is a test of the set up here at powertalk. let see if this second test works. (works from the command line already
It’s been another busy week. I’ve stripped down the website of my new employer and begun completely rebuilding it.
There weere layers and frames and JavaScript/CSS workarounds, different versions for different browsers _and_ different platforms, plus it would only work on 4.0 broswers and even then, only part of the time.
Now each page has only 6 graphics (as opposed to 18!), tables instead of frames, zero scripting, runs 10 times faster and is available for every broswer since NS2.0.
It’s not quite done, but it’s getting there.
I also took some time on Sunday to reorganize my front page. I had just slapped the Notes link on there before, so I took the time to integrate the links a little better. This is also the first time I’ve felt confident enough to deploy JavaScript on the front page of a site. Feedback would be nice.
I’m doubting my abilities today. Okay, this week. I’ve taken on a huge responsibility with this new job. Amy’s been real supportive, but it’s been a strain on our relationship.
The new location for this site will be http://www.powertalk.com/~rosso/ but don’t change your bookmarks yet. I’ve still got to get the journal system set up there.
These days are getting longer, not shorter. There’s supposed to be a time after summer where there are few ours to work in the day. It feels like I’m skipping that this year.
Amy and I are going out to Swaggat tonight…. yum!
Looks like I might be moving s.u.r.f.a.c.e to a new server. A friend has offered space and permissions to run my journaling script. I hope this will be the final move. This will be the second move in 3 years. Not too bad.
I’m having to run NT servers? Yechhh…
Well at least there’s some sites to look at:
Thanks babe…
Friday could have used one big backspace key. All day long my left hand was twitching on ‘Command-Z’.
After an Argumentative morning and a Frustrating afternoon (which I did get my minidisc back from Gustav http://www.knrk.com/jocks/gustav.htm finally), Amy and I had a Stressful evening.
She sliced her little finger open when a glass she was washing broke. I jumped up from the computer when I heard her yelp. I got in there and just saw blood coming out of her hand. My whole body went taut and my first aid training from Scouting kicked in: view the damage, clean the wound, apply pressure with a clean cloth.
It was pretty easy to do, but it was nice having them pop-up in my head as a check list to run through. I mean this wasn’t a five car pile-up, but I was glad I had the confidence to know what I was doing.
The thing was deep, but I didn’t want to show Amy or let her know. The best thing for her to do to stop the bleeding was to get her calmed down, so I didn’t tell her how worried I was about the depth of it. I was scared she might have hit a major nerve or a tendon.
We got her to the emergency room at OHSU within 15 minutes easy, but then it took nearly (three hours) to have them look at it and get the stitches in. It burns me each time I go in ERs here – things take forever. I have noticed that standing in the doorways where you are seen every time the nurse walks by can be a good visual reminder.
She needed a few stitches, and my fears were for naught, but I’m glad we got it handled. Now I’ve got dishes to do… wish me luck!
Been diagnosed with Bronchitis, so I haven’t been going in to work since Sunday, feeling like shit about myself, and feeling like shit in general.
Damn fever.
Sic [Sic]
Gotta couple of minutes here at Metamorph Central (Lake Oswego). Things are really busy. It turns out that we don’t have enough phone lines coming into the building itself (US West’s side of things) to get all the lines hooked up between what’s alreay existing and what needs to be added. I finally found out what type of ISDN router we’ll be getting, but I still don’t know what type of service. Top it off with some voice-mail system hell and a slight headache, chill and serve. Serves 8 but handed to 1.
Can you believe I still haven’t called my parents? Geeesh…
*) (*
The first day is done.
It went really well. I think things are really going to come together. I’m finally getting the chance to do what I do really well, along side doing what I love to do.
Translated? I get to be anal and make lots of plans.
Yeah, yeah, I know that sounds weird, but setting up the proper folder structures for files, planning network connections, wiring runs, and databases are entoxicating for me. It’s all an allusion to an illusion of control really. I try to set up order, and then life (aka chaos, aka the dirty side, aka the room with the blue ceiling) comes crawling over the wall and breaks everything apart. It’s a battle, but each side learns how to do it better each go-round.
Well, it’s time for bed. I get a wonderful kiss goodnight from Amy, then I’m set. Nite…
on ward!
I’ve caught up in all parts of my life from the vacation, except for the Bad-Seed front.
And there’s been a bunch to work on. Getting things set-up right at OMSI so I can do that work part-time, and off-site; I’m trying to get this new job (Yes, I took it. Signed the contract on Tuesday.)
Off to my first day. More later…
Well kids, I got some fun stuff while in Prague, though a bit narrow in scope.
First off were the CD and LCD releases of OWILM, the Mute Czech printings. Kinda nice souvenirs of the trip.
The next two are the Room of Lights and The Adversary Live, both from (Crime and the City Solution). This trip I had been focusing on finding release from Crime and from Spiritualized, and this was the best I could come up with. I haven’t had a chance to sit down with either for too long but tAL is the one studio track plus a bunch of live tracks from their final concert. RoL is one of their earlier releases and much more raw than Paradise Discotheque, which is still my fav at this point.
And finally, an album from a Czech band called Ocean, which is promising. I had it recommended by some Czech Mode fans. They’re vary synth-oriented and seem to be hover right around the Construction Time Again production quality, but it bears further listening. Any one else heard them? The album I have is 2 1/2.
And oh yes, that little concert I recorded.
Well, it’s not a startling success, but an okay first attempt. I got about the first 42 minutes of the concert. The mic was not of great quality, being just a lapel mic, so it got massivly swamped through the whole show.
The songs I did end up getting were:
Slowblow (Intro)
Question Of Time
World In My Eyes
Policy Of Truth
It’s No Good
Never Let Me Down Again
Walking In My Shoes
Only When I Lose Myself
Question Of Lust (Partial)
On QoL I only got about the first two verses, but it’s still nice. The show is recorded on MiniDisc, which means I can make pretty good copies of the show. However: This is not a high quality recording! There’s lots of ‘MARTIN!!’s and ‘Ouch! OouwwCH!’s in the songs, as well as some pitiful singing along by your’s truly.
The recording is hereby titled ‘Never Let Me Down A-Gahan’, 15.9.98, Sportshall, Prague, CZ.
All Ears