Healthy Wealthy Wise
It’s only 1:20 in the morning. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight… :p
Goodies gotten today: Bjork Joga promo with audio biographic track, Die Haut Sweat with Nick on three tracks, plus 2600 magazine… Cool.
Chasing My Own Tale
It’s only 1:20 in the morning. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight… :p
Goodies gotten today: Bjork Joga promo with audio biographic track, Die Haut Sweat with Nick on three tracks, plus 2600 magazine… Cool.
I’m an organization freak.
I ‘ve just finished putting a number of hours organizing my papers. I finally got a large plastic box and some hanging folders and I’ve upped my organization a notch.
For the longest time I kept stuff like taxes and contracts in this very small box that I got from my parents years ago. In fact it had my very first tax return… aww, isn’t it just darling?
So now I’ve got everything sorted and labled. I had most of the papers in one drawer and that blue box, but I know I’ve got more floating around here some place. But now, when I do run across them, I can say, “They Should Go (Here)!” in a loud booming voice. I really like being able to say that.
Beyond that, I’ve just about caught up to mid-April in my Nick Cave stuff. Once I’ve gotten in the groove of doing things, they seem to be coming much easier. I’ve posted three interviews two reviews, news to http://www.bad-seed.org in the archives and I’ve tracked down some info on old notes that I never got fleshed out in the first place.
Organization makes me happy. So does accomplishment. Speaking of Accomplishments, Amy got proof of a great one yesterday. She recieved a copy of the article she wrote for the international PCOS newsletter! I’m so proud of her!
The smile on her face when she saw the article in paper and ink was worth more than the world. Beautiful.
Swimming. Trying to keep my head above water. And I’m having troubles with my e-mail.
NP: The Best of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Rollin’, rollin’ rollin’…
Last nite I was up till 2:30 or so working on Nick stuff. I finally got caught up to the middle of March on stuff to enter. Trying to develop bad-seed.org really took a lot of time. I hadn’t realized how much time that the Cave Inn can drain away. If I don’t keep up with it, things get backed up really quickly.
Amy went out and bought me flowers this morning. They sure smell so nice.
Getting back into the groove of keeping a journal is starting to bring out more writting in me. It seems like if I empty out the bucket every once in a while, more ideas and thoughts are coming into my head. Some cobwebs clearing out? Maybe I’m just a few months delayed in my spring cleaning.
Ah… a weekend.
I pulled out the Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space album by Spiritualized last night and sat in a tub of hot water for a good hour. It was nice, really nice. I actually got my mind to calm down for a bit and just drift – without bumping up against any particular subject.
I pulled the plug out of the drain and let the water run out of the tub. I sat still and as Cool Waves played, I felt the water level fall all around my body. I thought it would feel like I was coming into the world, but instead, it felt like the wter was leaving a thin layer of warmth on me as it pushed me out of it’s womb and into the world. It was nice, really nice.
Music is really important to me for setting moods. I sometimes for forget that.
I need to make my book mark for adding a journal note higher up my browser bookmarks list. Perhaps that will remind me that, “hey, you oughta jot that down.”
I’m staying home this morning/afternoon with a sore throat, runny nose and sneezes. But that doens’t mean I’m takiing the time off of work. I typed up some notes, added them to a web page and uploaded them. It’s cool having the ability to reach out over the phone lines and do the work that I need to, without regard to location.
Now I just need to get a Powerbook with a wireless modem. Anyone want to offer?
It looks like the bad-seed.org news section is actually working now. I’m not sure how it will do on the monthly updates, but I’ll keep working on it.
This journal sure has been working well though. I’m pretty proud about that. I really should clean up the code and make it reusable. I’m sure there’s others who would like a completely web-based journal/news posting service. I’m sure I’ll probably use it again in the future.
Now playing: Bjork: Debut, Crying. Great song: “if only my ship would come in.”
Time to take a shower, if those wilted flowers in the corner are saying anything.
Last night I went out with Amy and Ringo. Embers has really started to drop off in quality. Time to find a new spot to dance?
I had to tip the DJ to get him to play 1 Depeche Mode song… The music was so recycled. Uhg.
Just a short note to say I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I’ve been trying to get Bad-Seed.org’s news posting service back on track. One tiny little mistake and the thing dies on me. Arg. Oh well, it’s working now. But now I’ve actually start posting news.
Forest Puzzles still isn’t finished. I’m left hanging while we have a volunteer go through and write summaries of the the 50 or so related sites that we’ve put links on up for. Hopefully this will be the final addition… (yeah, right)
Amy and I are off to have lunch. We’ve had a great weekend. Last night, we slow danced in the middle of the apartment. It was really nice.
Saw Howard Stern’s Private Parts. Good stuff, though lots of gratuitous, manipulative nudity. I guess it was to be expected though. The big question is, how much is real? After that comes the question does it matter?
Forest Puzzles is done. Finally
At least that’s where I think it stands. There’s two parts to tie up in the future, but at least I’ll be able to post it to the OMSI site this week. Then it’s time for champaign. I also got the Missing Links pages up. At least that one’s actually up a bit ahead of the exhibit, though it would have been nice to have it up earlier. I hope that Marketing can start getting me material for Whodunit? before this fall.
Amy got confirmation on the Mode tickets for Prauge. Now we’ve just got two more tickets to get: the airplane tickets. Wish us luck! I’ve already marked out some time in September in the work schedule for my department at OMSI. Step by step. One foot after the other. (That’s not to say we’re going to have to walk to Prauge.)
Digital Atom
Good name for a band, a web design firm or a web site. A magazine? Hmmm…