
Speed Limit: 1440 minutes per day

Posted in General at 7 pm

Feb 26 Fri (09 PM)

This week has been really fast.

I just sped through it like hel on wheels. Meetings every day, some for work, some for freelance, details on web sites, etc. Really it was the details this week that got to me. One of the sites that our company is hosting now was developed by some major-lame web-wannabies for Minnesota. Nothing against the Lank o’ Lakes mind you, but this stuff just sucked. The details on forms and tables and buttons just nit-picked at my time till there was nothing left.

At the same time I was playing bit-monkey on the graphics for the firm’s real site. Getting in and changing graphics at the pixel level, which gives me a certain sense of glee (those anal-details), but it is time consuming, even when you’re using the 2×2 px brush rather than the 1×1.

Today was Fat Boy Slim day, as I had that disc at work, and popped it into the office CD player (which I seem to have taken over, but no one has seemed to mind). I work in what is the Sales office. 3 to 5 sales people at any one time, on the phone a lot. Lots of ties and power skirts.

Gary, one of the most inviting of the group (which I thought I’d have a lot of problems with, but it’s turned out that there _is_ a difference between marketing people and sales people), really liked the disc and of course noted that Rockafeller Skank has been on every soundtrack and commercial made in the past 6 mos.

Now Gary seems to be about mid to late 30s in age, has a couple of kids, etc. He loves this album. I think to myself, “Gary snowboards and likes FBSlim. He must be a pretty cool dad.”

But then it hits me. What if I were to tell his kid that. What would the kid say? “No he’s not, he doesn’t even like my music.”

Let me pause here and and say that I think one of the greatest separations in generations is music. You can nail down a person’s formative years by figuring out what artists hit that person with a new persective. The thoughts that a certain perspective contains may have been around for centuries, but when someone is introduced to them for the first time, those concepts are forever linked to that artist. For my brother, I think it was the Carpenters. For me it’s been Depeche Mode.

Whoa. This is all playing in my head in much more detail, but what it really boils down to is: Do Gary and I have overlapping music tastes because he’s more youthful, or because I’m older?

That came as a bit of a shock for me. I mean I know I’m not a teenager in years and I’ve always seemed to shoulder responsibility like I was 50 (even if I didn’t always follow through), but I do stil think of myself as young. Perhaps I’m not _as_ young as I was?

Does even thinking this make me older?

For now I’ll say Gary is just a guy who’s still in touch with his youth in a good way. He’s older in years, but still young in culture and activity. I hope I’m in as much touch as he is when I’m him and that new web guy in the office is staring at me, wondering how old I am…

Yes, I like my music really fast…


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