
Depeche Mode/Jesus Presley

Posted in General at 10 am

Apr 23 Fri (10 AM)

Finished the Depeche Mode Digital Video discogrphy that’s been hanging around the top of my to-do list. I haven’t put in the links on the interior pages of the site yet, but the sections done and after letting it sit for a couple of days, I’ll announce it on Bong. http://www.ordersomewherechaos.com/rosso/mode/dv

Still cranking away at my to-do list, and I just put together a massive one at work as well. As long I don’t overwhelm myself I should be okay, but it does look a bit scary.

I feel like I’ve been working myself to death lately. I think I’ll drop in on the Jesus Presley show at the Roseland Grill tonight. The show starts at 11:00pm.

I haven’t seen them for a few years, since a past friend of mine and I discovered them one strange night. Their website is seriously under developed, but it’s at: http://www.jesuspresley.com They’re a great band, and they always seem to love to be doing what they do. And the Reverend is a great front man. I doubt I’ll be able to get Amy to go, but I certainly want to get there.


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