
Obsession and To Do Lists

Posted in General at 12 pm

Apr 21 Wed (12 AM)

Yeah, it’s been almost a week since my last journal update, but there’s a reason, however thin. I’ve become obsessed with my to-do list.

I haven’t had one that’s been so comprehensive for quite a while. Years in fact. But the good thing is that as I’m getting things done, I move them into the ‘Done’ area, and that makes me feel good to see things getting in there.

I’ve got just one more laser disc cover to get composed and placed, then the new Depeche Mode digital video section will be 95% done. Just the scans of the two Useless singles (From Mute) and the Home/Useless (From Reprise) plus the thumbnails for the index to add. Oh, and I need to crop the DVD covers as well. Then that new section will be made available.

I’ve got a load of stuff to take to Goodwill, but that will happen this weekend.

The packages I’ve been procrastinating on have finally gotten boxed, wrapped and labeled. Tomorrow they go out, just like TJ’s went out this afternoon.

Then it’s off to the DEQ for the car’s emission test to get the new tags and then I can finish off the DM soundtracks section, and the new server’s set up for the ‘I Believe’ site.

Speaking of which, Bo (who’s helping me with that site now, had a great quote in a recent e-mail: Ah, procrastination. My favorite game. But, I usually lose. Thanks Bo. 🙂

Talk about nose to the grind stone. Sometimes I wonder what I’m missing that’s going on around me when I’m this focused on ‘Things To Do’…

The coolest thing today was giving yet another Internet chat (this time tailored to pre-press people) at work. This is the 3rd(?) company that I’ve done this for… in a row. But the best part was getting a hand-written kudo for the talk from the company owner on my paycheck. Something about it being on the check itself really made me feel like I had _really_ earned that check. It felt good.

Eeep, it’s almost 1am. Off to bed!

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