
Procrasination and Peanuts

Posted in General at 8 pm

Apr 14 Wed (08 AM)

Found on Geocities: (I’ll save you the pop-up ad…)

Procrastination is my sin

It brings me naught but sorrow.

I know that I should stop it

In fact, I will… tomorrow.

See also this page on procrastination. However, I did get my taxes done last night.

I’m not quite sure why I left them to the last few days, though I know my dad did as well. Perhaps it’s genetic? … It’s not like I raked in the dough, but I have had this pattern of earning more each year, so I guess that’s a good sign.

But I’ve got to say, it’s less the money and far more the fact that I love the stuff I get to work on. Sure I think I ought to be competivly compensated, but just give me the chance to design and develop web sites and you could nearly send me home with a bad of roasted peanuts at the end of the day.

Now I’m back to working through my e-mail inbox and doing a favor for TJ. Oh, and actually sending out my tax return…


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