Another couple of hours
(I’ve figured out how to force the database to post-date an article. Now I can go back through this year’s entries and add them into the system. Not that I’m in a rush to do so. However I promised some non-journal notes and I’m going to make good on that now.)
It’s become more and more apparent that I’m bringing back important things into my life. I’m back to having a journal I can rely on, a place for me to write. I’ve been listening to music more than I have. And *listening* to the music, not just collecting or sorting MP3 into their perfectly ordered libraries. The flash of creative inspiration I had last night pushed along into the interface you’re seeing now. I took a long, hot bath and didn’t get upset at myself. My class is almost finished and I think we’re going to get something good out of it.
I’m enjoying my relationship more as well. Let’s leave it at that.
This new-found confidence is serving me well. Assuming that it’s sustained, I think we’re going to be looking at a very good summer.