End of the week
Well, it’s been a fast week around here. Work has been moving along with our new hire, K. He’s got initiative, I’ll say that. He’s got a lot of good experience at some larger firms, and is really interested in getting our processes more cohesive and encompassing. I think it will be very interesting to see how things shape up from this point moving forward. I really hope that this will give me the chance to define my role more accurately.
Ever since D. left a gaping hole in the leadership position, I’ve been drifting in and out of that role, along side A. It’s been tough, and a bout of depression in the past few months has done nothing to help it. Had I been a bit more stable, I probably could have handled things a bit better, and ended up in a stronger leadership position. But I never really wanted to take that on fully, never really put my heart into it, for a number of reasons.
I won’t be teaching a class this next term, and that’s kind of strange. But I did get my check for this past term. Now I’ve got to see how much of it will go to taxes. After that’s paid off Amy and I can look at socking it away for a EuroTrip this summer.
I think I’ve finished with version 0.9 of Aim and Fire. A&F is what I’ve named this pair of scripts that I can set up easy to modify web pages for clients. It grew out of a project for one of Amy’s recent clients. I’m really quite happy with it. It may not be the most robust system, but I think it will work pretty well for most cases.
I’ve been feeling a bit more creative of late. I really want to work up some more design. I did a new desktop image at work. These things are my most common method of doing something visual, graphical, creative. My journal entries give me the chance to do some self-directed writing, but they aren’t a real creative forum for me. I’d like to expand more in that area. Yet another thing to add to the “I want to” list. Still got to get through my French lesson as well.