
Linux for PowerPc

Posted in General at 11 pm

I’ve installed and am using “Daytona” the v2.4 Kernel of Linux for the PowerPC platform. I’m using “YellowDog Linux”, and I’ve installed it on my Blue & White G3. It took me about 4 hours to figure out everything in terms of getting to a usable desktop. The Hard Drive partitioning was pretty easy, since I still had some partitions open that I had anticipating using for OS X.

But the Video piece had me stumped until I remembered something. Each time I tried to boot after installing from the CD, The screen would hang. The Drive would continue to thrash, but nothing more would apear of the boot sequence. Suddenly I remembered that I had a second video card in the box, unused and as soon as I pulled it out, all was much better.

At least until I actually got into KDE and it was set up for a 1024×768 desktop, but the monitor was displaying only 800×600. Quite annoying. What would happen is that when the mouse cursor got close to the edge of the screen, the entire screen would shift over, like a viewport over a map. it took me a bit to find the ‘task/toolbar/panel’ that all the activation icons are on.

I’m now using Gnome. Maybe I’ll shift back to KDE later on.

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