
Plop, plop, fizz fizz… Relief

Posted in General at 8 pm

Apr 15 Thu (08 AM)

I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but finishing off my taxes (getting copies for my records, addressing the envelopes, stapling all the slips together, putting the stamps on and sealing the envelopes) really took some weight off my shoulders. It seems strange to me, because I didn’t think it was causing me that much stress, but it feels so good to get that off the to-do list.

Speaking of to-do lists, I wanted to write up a master plan of things to do, and I enlisted Amy to help me out. Though she still hasn’t sent the list to me (ah-hem) <grin> I think it’s a great thing.

I’ve been developing a method of project management based on plain text files. I’ve started using it at Work on the promo CD project. At the top of the file is the overall view of the project, with the main project goal in a single sentence. After that comes a listing of Changes made to the file, with dates. Next comes the actual to-do list, catagorized, with target dates and initials of responsible parties in parenthises. The next to last section is the list of to-dos that have been to-done. And finally some project notes about hurdles and unforeseen problems, specific techniques (steps from Photoshop, etc.)

I started a rough form of this at OMSI and it served me well. This promo CD is the first time that I’ve used it among more than just myself. We’ll see how it goes. The documentation trail is really helpful once it comes time to show what you’ve done. Thinking of that, I ought to start it for the other projects at work. (mental note made.)

Project management is one of my weak points. Now that I have a tool that I can use and refine, I think I’m making some headway.

It feels good. Really good.


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