Crime and the City Solution
Well kids, I got some fun stuff while in Prague, though a bit narrow in scope.
First off were the CD and LCD releases of OWILM, the Mute Czech printings. Kinda nice souvenirs of the trip.
The next two are the Room of Lights and The Adversary Live, both from (Crime and the City Solution). This trip I had been focusing on finding release from Crime and from Spiritualized, and this was the best I could come up with. I haven’t had a chance to sit down with either for too long but tAL is the one studio track plus a bunch of live tracks from their final concert. RoL is one of their earlier releases and much more raw than Paradise Discotheque, which is still my fav at this point.
And finally, an album from a Czech band called Ocean, which is promising. I had it recommended by some Czech Mode fans. They’re vary synth-oriented and seem to be hover right around the Construction Time Again production quality, but it bears further listening. Any one else heard them? The album I have is 2 1/2.
And oh yes, that little concert I recorded.
Well, it’s not a startling success, but an okay first attempt. I got about the first 42 minutes of the concert. The mic was not of great quality, being just a lapel mic, so it got massivly swamped through the whole show.
The songs I did end up getting were:
Slowblow (Intro)
Question Of Time
World In My Eyes
Policy Of Truth
It’s No Good
Never Let Me Down Again
Walking In My Shoes
Only When I Lose Myself
Question Of Lust (Partial)
On QoL I only got about the first two verses, but it’s still nice. The show is recorded on MiniDisc, which means I can make pretty good copies of the show. However: This is not a high quality recording! There’s lots of ‘MARTIN!!’s and ‘Ouch! OouwwCH!’s in the songs, as well as some pitiful singing along by your’s truly.
The recording is hereby titled ‘Never Let Me Down A-Gahan’, 15.9.98, Sportshall, Prague, CZ.
All Ears